Call up, ring once, hang up the phone 電話打來, 響一聲, 便將它掛掉
To let me know you made it home 這代表妳在家等我來到
Don't want nothing to be wrong with part-time lover 地下戀情可不希望發生差錯

If she's with me I'll blink the lights 如果她和我在一起. 我將發出閃光訊號
To let you know tonight's the night 這讓妳明白, 今夜我將去會妳
For me and you my part-time lover 今夜就屬我和妳, 我的地下情人

We are undercover passion on the run 我倆的激情正悄然展開
Chasing love up against the sun 這份愛情絕不能見光
We are strangers by day, lovers by night 白天我們形同陌路, 晚上變成火辣一對
Knowing it's so wrong, but feeling so right 明知那是錯的, 但超有感覺

If I'm with friends and we should meet 假如密會的時間正好碰到我和朋友做伙
Just pass me by, don't even speak 就從旁擦肩而過, 千萬勿發一語
Know the word's "discreet" when part-time lovers身為地下情人就得了解謹慎二字

But if there's some emergency 如果有些突發狀況
Have a male friend to ask for me 碰到友人來找我
So then she won't peek its really you my part-time lover 也不會從旁偷窺, 妳真是我的地下情人

We are undercover passion on the run 我倆隱秘的激情正在展開
Chasing love up against the sun 這份愛情絕不能見光
We are strangers by day, lovers by night 白天我們形同陌路, 晚上變成一對戀人
Knowing it's so wrong, but feeling so right 明知那是錯的, 但超有感覺

We are undercover passion on the run 我倆的激情正悄然展開
Chasing love up against the sun 這份愛情絕不能見光
We are strangers by day, lovers by night 白天我們形同陌路, 晚上變成一對戀人
Knowing it's so wrong, but feeling so right 明知那是錯的, 但超有感覺

I've got something that I must tell 有些事情我必須跟妳說
Last night someone rang our doorbell 昨晚有人來按門鈴
And it was not you my part-time lover 結果卻不是妳

And then a man called our exchange 之後有個男的打電話來
But didn't want to leave his name 可是卻不願留下名字
I guess that two can play the game
Of part-time lovers 於是我想, 只要兩人湊上就能玩地下戀情的遊戲
You and me, part-time lovers 地下戀人, 也許是我和妳
But, she and he, part-time lovers 但也許是我的她和另一個他
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